Thursday, July 30, 2009

i don't know what your deal is, but i'm done. i don't have time for this. don't ever say you are my best friend again because that's not the case at all. not even close. i wish i had listened to everyone. oh well. lesson learned.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

just leave me alone like you did that night.
there are words that aren't being spoken.
don't forget that i'm still stuck in a self absorbed state of mind.
it's not that i think i'm crazy.
but i'm beginning to see a pattern.
it could have been a face breaking friday
it could have been the last time i didn't care.
you were always my best excuse for feeling okay again.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

be patient.

I was constructed for you and you were molded for me
I feel like im being fucked with, but I really hope i'm not.

I don't deserve it.

And you know that.
times square can't shine as bright as you.

Rebellious Breakfast Tuesday

Was a total success. French Toast at Normas Cafe is amazing. I will def. have it again one day. I brought cd book full of random cds to work today. There's a pretty solid selection. Found a cd I made when I started dating Bright Eyes. Brings back some crazy memories. Anyway, whats up Tuesday?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

today has been interesting, to say the least. don't have time for drama though kids, so find someone else to lie about, k? thanks.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

last night was fun. today was not. had a pounding headache and slept til 7pm only getting up for a couple hours to eat. but now i feel like a champ and im ready for round 2. the dudes are on their way and we are gonna party's 1999? or maybe like a rockstar. who knows? anyway, pointless post is pointless.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh Baby when they made me they broke the mold.

this is seriously the slowest day ever! gosh, im ready to get out this mug, get a haircut, and then do some partyin! i'm trying to get a hold of Kaytee because i need her in my life today. so if you happen to read this, text me back. i'll drive out to see you tonight!

I'm listening to FAD and it just makes me really happy, but i'm not going to be too surprised if this is it from the boys. I would be happy because they ended on a good note. I'd hate for them to try and take it as far as they can like a lot of bands and start putting out shit records until they have no choice but to give it up.

I still haven't gone to play Top Golf. Maybe i'll convince they doodz to go with me tomorrow depending on how much of a hangover we have in the morning.

totally off subject, but i think it's crazy how a call of a text message can just turn your whole day around (in a good, or bad way)how someone can have enough power to change the whole vibe of your day. I usually try to keep form letting people have that much of an effect on me, but it just happens sometimes. I had a phone call today that just totally turned my day around in the best way possible. It was pretty amazing, not gonna lie.

District 9

looks like it'll be a pretty cool flick. wish i hadn't missed out on the viral marketing. since cloverfield, i've loved stuff like that. makes it feel like it's part of real life. idk. anyway, check out the trailer

We should all start using myspace again

take it back to 2005, ya dig?

if you hate me then i can hate you.

i've been faking and playing along just to humor you.
if you really knew what i was thinking you probably wouldn't talk to me again.
i should probably speak my mind.
because i really want you to hate my guts.

RIP Tumblr

I liked it, but i got really tired of the same old crap every day, and the stupid internet drama. Everything i posted is still there because i can't delete such an awesome chunk of the internet. Besides, I have a lot of stuff i'll want to go back and read sometimes.

anyway, that's about it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I've been dropping lines like they're hot but you haven't seemed to notice. I tried to tell you how I felt but I just stuttered and trailed off. it's okay. you've got a rep to withhold and I'm just overrated and old. turn the other way and pretend I never mattered. forget about the cold December nights. there was a ring around the moon and I swore I'd put one around your finger. I guess we're both liars. I treated you better than you deserved, i guess that's my fault. and as long as we're being honest, don't lie and say you cared. you want to tell the truth but you're just so fucking scared. so keep those secrets pressed between lips instead. I find myself alone most nights tired and shaking to the beat of past mistakes that i know you'll never (let me) forget. the only difference between now and before is that my mouth doesn't hold back anymore. verbal fist fights where low blows are encouraged. i'll wear you down with words designed to make you hurt.
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