Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sometimes it feels like you aren't the same person. Maybe my intuition is right, and I should just shrug it off and accept it for what it is. You have very little compassion these days and I really think its because you either can't or won't see past your own problems to give a fuck about anyone else's. Problems are problems, and everyone lives a different life so I won't say that anyone has it worse than anyone else. Well, to an extent, obviously there are exceptions to this idea. But it always comes back to you. (it's a familiar attitude, but I won't go into that) Your life isn't horrible by any means. Let's trade places for a week and see which you prefer. I guess what I'm trying to say is, you've grown pretty selfish and if you choose to not want to be there to listen every once in a while, I'll stop talking all together. Problem solved.

I'm (not) sorry if I stop caring too.

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