Wednesday, June 7, 2017

You always seem to paint me so alive and I can't help but see forever in your eyes. Lately it has been hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel but you're shining so bright. One thing that I have learned in life is that the constants are very hard to come by but you're one of them. On the days when we haven't talked you always seem to text me at the perfect moment to tell me that you love me and I love that. I've been spending a lot of time at my keyboard trying to arrange these words in a way that will maybe let you know exactly how I feel. You're so special to me and that's no secret. I still remember the first time I called you. I was sitting on the stairs outside of Mike and Rockys apartment and I knew that your voice was one that I would want to hear as often as possible. I'm always being reminded how the world can work in such a strange way and this isn't any different. I feel like I can talk to you about everything and not even think twice. I Know how cliche it is to say that you "get me" but it's true and I really don't feel like a lot of people do. You've been such an amazing friend to me and that's just the beginning. This feels like just the beginning of something. I didn't know I would ever be counting down the days until I saw your face but here we are. I'm not too sure why but hearing your voice when I'm upset calms me down in a way that xanax never will. You make me feel important and you laugh at my dumb jokes and always ask me to call because you really want to talk to me. I never feel like I deserve good things in life, but maybe I deserve you. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for reminding me that things don't always have to be terrible. I'm not sure what's going to happen next, but I'm excited to find out. My heart keeps beating in 4/4 time and I'm ready to see an east coast sunrise with you by my side and your hand in mine. You're really something special to me.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Note to self #1

Never forget the night you walked into the water at Venice beach at 2am and screamed as loud as you could. That feeling is still somewhere inside of you, and you can bring it back out whenever you feel the need to. You can be that happy (like that) again.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

i tried to hide this blog because i felt like i had let too many eyes in on my little secret, but what's the point in even saying things anymore if no one is there to read it? Isn't that why we all do this? We have journals that are saved on the internet for (almost) anyone to find so we can say the things we don't have the guts to say directly. I can leave your name off of this, and write in metaphors and keep things as vague as possible even though i know that you know and these knife-shaped words will hit their target. so read up, sweetheart. soak it all in. the filter is off for the time being. maybe you'll learn something this time around. stay tuned.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I have pretty much come to terms with the fact that I may be losing my mind. Both figuratively and literally according to my doctor(s). Maybe I base my worth on things that don't even matter to anyone else, but it's really all I have these days. I took a giant leap of faith, but I never let anyone know that all it did was make me fall flat on my face in a state where the pavement doesn't get as hot in the summer. I try to force happiness so hard that I think it's taking a toll on my moods. (And not in a favorable way) Part me of me thinks i'll never fully be happy. The only difference between here and there is that when i'm there i'm miserable in a room full of people who are just as miserable but are too drunk to notice. Someone call a jeweler because this golden state isn't shining as brightly as I imagined it would. Listen to me, I sound like a brat who can't make the best of decent thing. Let's go ahead and file this under "Reasons I Don't Deserve To Be Here Anymore"

Maybe I just need a nap.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's so bitter sweet, you and me.
So many nights spent talking for hours.
Words on the tips of tongues but not any further.
Let me whisper every secret
From my lips to your ears and no where else
Just know I'd give you the world if you would just ask
It's funny how the hugs got longer and we both knew it
Your smile always looks perfect next to mine.
I wish you'd call more often.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I refer to these nights in my life as "catching the red eye".
Numbing myself in 4/4 time.
Have you ever disappeared into a song?
I'm dying to(o).

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sometimes it feels like you aren't the same person. Maybe my intuition is right, and I should just shrug it off and accept it for what it is. You have very little compassion these days and I really think its because you either can't or won't see past your own problems to give a fuck about anyone else's. Problems are problems, and everyone lives a different life so I won't say that anyone has it worse than anyone else. Well, to an extent, obviously there are exceptions to this idea. But it always comes back to you. (it's a familiar attitude, but I won't go into that) Your life isn't horrible by any means. Let's trade places for a week and see which you prefer. I guess what I'm trying to say is, you've grown pretty selfish and if you choose to not want to be there to listen every once in a while, I'll stop talking all together. Problem solved.

I'm (not) sorry if I stop caring too.
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