Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I stopped on my way home from work to buy her ice cream and the latest issue of Cosmo. I always found it hard to cheer her up when she was in these moods, but chocolate ice cream with peanut butter seemed to keep her mind off of whatever was bothering her. she never asked me to, so i didn't mind that it was never acknowledged. i knew it meant something to her so i didn't really care. sometimes being woken up by a 3am kiss would be her little way of telling me thank you. well, i would assume so because the carton would be in the trash the next morning and the magazine laid open across her chest as she slept. she looked beautiful to me in the morning. sound asleep with her mouth slightly open and her pillow folded in half under her head. i'd always find myself walking through our room while i got ready for work. sometimes to snap a mental picture, but mostly to make sure she was still there. i don't know why i was always scared she wouldn't be, but i guess it's because she made life feel like a dream. and i didn't want to wake up. i'd move the magazine and kiss her forehead on my way out. she would change positions and smile between mumbled sleep gibberish while she pulled the blankets tight towards her chest. i never knew what made her feel that way some nights, but at least i know what made her feel this way the next morning.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

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